
Hunting Fish

I can not remember most of my dream last night, but I remember being near my grandfather’s house & my aunt JE’s house in the day.

I was by a tree, near the tree was a fictional dock & pond / lake.

Furthermore, I remember having a black 20 gauge pump-action shotgun at some point.

I think that it was a Mossberg 500, and my uncle CE may have given it to me in the dream.

Because I remember seeing him at some point.

I remember my uncle CE trying to shoot at either a beehive or wasp nest and / or an ant mound and / or an / some insect(s).


Tilda Swinton Licking My Arm?

I would like to apologize to Ms. Swinton, anyone reading this, and myself for even typing this dream fragment, but I felt that my dream recall/memory would possibly be negatively effected/affected if I did not type it. (If I do not record my dreams, then I usually start having a harder time remembering my dreams and/or feeling like recording my dreams)

Unfortunately and/or fortunately I can not remember 99% of my dreams from last night due to various factors such as: not being in my bed, not having my pillow that my grandmother made for me when/before I was born (yes I sleep with an ancient pillow that is a bit older than me 😀 ), being in an unfamiliar place (an undisclosed location), waking up several times (to use the bathroom), et cetera.

All that I can remember, which does not make sense since/because I can not remember the rest of the dream, is I remember being inside a dark and/or dimly lit room sitting on the edge of a bed with the actress Tilda Swinton (without blond hair, it was an orangish & brownish color) I think?

We were sitting side-by-side and I think that I was talking to Ms. Swinton about something involving us, but she kept licking my arm for some strange unknown reason(s).

I think that I was trying to distract her from licking my arm, I do not remember anything romantic about it/the dream/that, and even in the dream I found it strange/uncomfortable/nasty/annoying/et cetera that she was licking my arm; and so I do not remember this dream being sexual from my side/point-of-view.

I think that my distracting her was not just for my sake but that it was also to prevent someone or several other people from seeing her do that, even though I do not think anyone else was in the room at the time, but I can not remember anything else about the dream exactly except that maybe we had a relationship of some kind; but I am not sure what kind of relationship we had, if any.

If I could remember more of the dream then maybe what I do remember would make more sense because what I do remember, which I just typed, makes no sense to me; and what I do remember of the dream is strange and it is a bit nasty.

I do know that there was more that happened in this dream before that point and after, but I can not remember any of those parts of the dream; and so this dream lacks important parts that would give it some context if I could remember those parts of the dream.

The end ,

-John Jr