
Pauline Croze – Jeunesse Affamée

What Is It?

Today’s song is the song Jeunesse Affamée by the French musician Pauline Croze from her album Pauline Croze:

Pauline Croze – Jeunesse affamée
04 Pauline Croze-Jeunesse affamée-Drums : P.Entressangle, Bass : A.Ekpob, Réal : E.Fambuena
Pauline Croze – Jeunesse affamée – Café de la danse – 10/12/2012

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Song: Jeunesse affamée

Artist: Pauline Croze

Album: Pauline Croze

Licensed to YouTube by: [Merlin] IDOL Distribution (on behalf of Absolute Management); LatinAutorPerf, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, LatinAutor – UMPG, SODRAC, and 1 Music Rights Societies

What Is It About?

Lyrics (By

“Jeunesse Affame” Lyrics
Pauline Croze

Jeunesse affamée de demain,
Les slogans rusés te promettent un destin,
Aiguisent ton appétit de succès, de lumière,
En te gavant d’images, d’effigies éphémères.

Aveuglé sans merci, séduit pour le profit,
Plus rien ne divertit ton regard ébloui.

Jeunesse affamée de demain,
Les modèles d’actualité t’aguichent du haut des affiches,
Leurs appâts, leurs apparences, passent pour de nouveaux repères,
Mais dessous l’enrobage se cache un goût amer.

A mesure que tu avances, ils te relancent,
Attisé par les tendances qui font audience,
Déjà tu mords à l’hameçon,
A mesure que tu dépenses,
Au gré des mouvances flambe l’addition.

Aveuglé sans merci, séduit pour le profit,
Plus rien ne divertit ton regard ébloui.

Jeunesse affamée de demain,
Au travers des marques, des codes et des langages,
Ton identité s’efface, pour n’être plus qu’un calque,
N’être plus qu’un mirage, sur lequel on prospère.

Aveuglé sans merci, séduit pour le profit,
Plus rien ne divertit, ton regard ébloui.
This song was submitted on October 18th, 2014.
Lyrics licensed by LyricFind.

Lyrics Translation (DeepL Translator)

“Starving Youth” Lyrics
Pauline Croze

Hungry youth of tomorrow,
Cunning slogans promise you a destiny,
Sharpen your appetite for success, for light,
By stuffing yourself with images, ephemeral effigies.

Blind without mercy, seduced for profit,
Nothing entertains your dazzled gaze anymore.

Hungry youth of tomorrow,
News models make you look like you’re on top of the posters,
Their bait, their appearances, are seen as new landmarks,
But underneath the coating is a bitter taste.

As you move forward, they raise you again,
Fueled by audience trends,
You’re already taking the bait,
As you spend more and more,
According to the movements, the bill goes up.

Blind without mercy, seduced for profit,
Nothing entertains your dazzled gaze anymore.

Hungry youth of tomorrow,
Through brands, codes and languages,
Your identity fades away, to become a layer,
To be nothing more than a mirage, on which one thrives.

Blind without mercy, seduced for profit,
Nothing entertains anymore, your eyes dazzled.

This song was submitted on October 18th, 2014.
Lyrics licensed by LyricFind.

Translated with

My Thoughts

This is one of my favorites songs from her music album Pauline Croze, and it is one of the songs that I often imagine playing classical guitar to.

It is one of the most balanced, if not most balanced songs on this music album.

I think it is a good song to use when first introducing someone to Pauline Croze’s music.

The end,

  • John Jr

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