
A Dream Ends Lucid With Zombies? | Taylor’s Mixed-Sex UFC Fight

Source: Wikimedia Commons

I woke up from my dreams and went back to sleep several times so some of my dreams were lost, and some parts of the dreams that I do remember were lost.

Dream 1

The end of this dream took place during the day and maybe I rode with my former male classmate JC in his truck to maybe a college-like place, we parked in a parking lot, and he went on campus while I stayed in the automobile at first.

I got out at some point and something unclear happened were I somehow opened one or two automobiles that were parked in the parking lot, and then I locked and closed them.

After this a large black extended cab truck with two men with light-color skin drove up and parked, they went to the campus, and then I somehow opened their truck and then locked it and closed it again.

The two men returned and got in their truck and left not long after this, then I needed to urinate or something so I walked on campus, there was a sidewalk on the left side with some house-like buildings along it so I went inside one of them.

The building was like a combination of a fictional house, The E House and the yard of The E House, and maybe a small college building.

I found a bathroom and I urinated, while doing this maybe a man with light-color skin was using the bathroom, and either Gillian Anderson or Mrs. Anderson as her character Dana Scully walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

After urinating and washing my hands I left the bathroom, I briefly walked to some other rooms, and then I walked back outside maybe to the parking lot but I am not sure if I made it there before the chaos started.

I can not remember the details other than me seeing one or more zombies chasing some people on the campus, and I probably fought my way back to the house-like building.

I knew that the situation would get worse as more people got infected, which seemed to be true because slowly more zombies kept showing up, and so I made it back inside the house-like building to warn the others.

Mrs. Anderson / Scully was still taking a shower so she hurried up to finish and get dressed, if the man was still there he was mostly in the background so I can not remember him much or at all, there was an actress with light-color skin with long dark brown hair wearing a slip whose name I can not remember who was sleeping on a bed so we woke her up, and Michelle Obama was in one of the rooms so we all joined together.

The others possible did not fight much or at all but I know that me and Mrs. Anderson / Scully fought some zombies that were in the house and we closed and maybe locked the doors et cetera, after clearing the house we ran outside in the front yard or back yard that was like the yard of The E House, and I remember grabbing a wooden baseball bat.

Zombies started trying to enter the gate near the boat port so I ran over to fight them back and secure the gate, a male zombie with light-color skin was super durable and survived many hard hits to his head with the baseball bat to my surprise until he finally died, and then I asked the others to find something to barricade the gates with.

I ran to the storage building on the left that they were looking inside, I saw some tires so I asked them to hand them to me, and then I used the tires to barricade the gate on the left side.

We then went to barricade the gate by the fig tree, and then I told them that we did not have much time before they broke in and that we needed to barricade part of the inside of the house and be ready to escape the house out the back toward the parking lot or something.

I told them that the wooden baseball bat was not good enough so we needed heavier and probably metal weapons, and so I told them to find some quickly.

The zombies were trying to break into the gates so we did not have much time to find weapons and get inside to barricade the inside, and so I felt that I would need to stay behind to fight the zombies long enough for the others to get ready until it was time for me to fall back into the house and then we eventually escape the house once the zombies breach it.

After seeing how durable some of the zombies were I started trying to think of better ways to fight them, and then I thought why not use an energy blast or something and then I probably remember that I had other dream powers too and maybe I started to somewhat realize that this was a dream or I realized that it was dream or maybe I did not realize that it was dream yet but I am not sure.

I told the others about my plan and Mrs. Obama said that it was a great idea, the way that she said it made it clear that she was mostly saying it because it improved her chances of living and she would not have to fight, and so me and Mrs. Anderson / Scully pointed this out and we all started laughing.

I was not sure which dream powers I would use yet though so I had them start the plan as I stood there trying to think of my dream powers and decide which to use et cetera, I remember thinking that I could just made them disappear from the dream but that would be too easy and I could fly but the others would be at more risk (I considered telling them that they could fly, but it might not work for all of them), but as I was thinking which was hard because my mind was cloudy so it was hard to think the dream must have become unstable as I struggled to think but I did not notice so the dream collapsed before I could use my dream powers and I woke up possibly also because I really did need to urinate and maybe I partly felt that when the dream went lucid I assume.

Dream 2

The end of this dream involved a Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) mixed-sex mixed martial arts (MMA) fight that was being promoted and that was going to take place soon between a small thin young man with light-color skin with long yellow hair who I thought was a woman at first from a distance and a woman with light-color skin with long yellow hair named Taylor who was friends with Taylor Swift and who was taller than the young man.

In the forgotten parts of the dream I got to meet them and probably train them a bit and / or give them fighting advice (I think that I remember showing them some quick simple blocks and counter strikes, clenches, takedowns, submissions, and strategies) and I was there when the press were taking their photographs together and with Taylor Swift at their press conference event.

After this I went to work at The BP Library and I was mostly cleaning up instead of shelving oddly, I remember sweeping up some dirt and dried feces-like stuff that was on the carpet near the printer, and while doing this I remember seeing a somewhat older man with dark-color skin wearing a baseball cap / hat who was sitting down to the left of the printer and he glanced at me.

My coworker Mr. CF probably walked by on one of his security patrols, and to my left sitting at a table near the magazines was a somewhat older woman with dark-color skin who I heard talking on her mobile phone about someone who was possibly my former male schoolmate SW.

The woman was talking about some of his problems and how her and some other people were trying to get him help, and how she was trying to get something set up to help him and other people like him with problems.

She talked a bit about his life and how he used to try to help take care of his family and how some people took advantage of the little money me made and tried to use to help them, how he developed one or more mental disorders and left or was forced out of the military, how he was jobless and maybe homeless, and how she felt that he was a good man who just needed help.

Then I saw and heard some other patrons listening to and watching the opening of the UFC mixed-sex fight between Taylor and the young man and Taylor Swift was at the fight supporting her friend Taylor, the fight started, but I only got to see bits and pieces as I walked around cleaning and glancing as people watched it.

Taylor started out winning but the young man had experience so he stayed calm and recovered and the fight became even, and maybe the young man was starting to win as I woke up but I am not sure.

The end,

-John Jr

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