
Penrose Stairs? | A Deformed Kitten | A Call From Mrs. Becky

Source: YouTube

I had more remembered dreams, but I only made some quick text notes of some of them so some of my dreams are forgotten now.

Dream 1

This dream took place at maybe a multi-story hotel or apartment, and maybe some of my family was there too.

I and / or someone else was on an upper floor in a stairway that was closed off in its own separate area, and I and / or that person was trying to take the stairs down to another floor.

But it seemed that the stairs kept going in circles or something, almost like Penrose stairs or something, and so at some point I and / or that person went back to the previous floor to use the elevator instead; but that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 2

This dream took place inside The E House maybe during the evening or night or early morning, and I was staying there with some of my family and my brothers TDC and KDC were there visiting.

I was in the family room, I noticed that my brothers KDC and TDC had left a mess in the room, and so I started cleaning up their mess.

There was a pizza box with two slices of pizza left and some crumbs on the floor, my brother GC walked into the room, and so I asked him if he wanted to eat one of the slices of pizza and I would eat the other slice of pizza and he said yes.

As I was in the process of letting my brother GC pick his slice of pizza, a deformed black and white kitten who had no front legs and had a long very thin body with only maybe some stubs where the hind legs should be started crawling near us to eat some crumbs off the floor, and we stopped to look at it.

I was a bit confused by the situation, at first I was not sure what it was and so I was looking at it closely, and then it was a bit sad et cetera once I realized what I was looking at and as I watched it struggling to eat the crumbs off the floor after dragging itself across the floor; but I woke up.

Dream 3

This dream took place during the day at a fictional college in maybe a fictional version of the city of L, I had just started college there, and I was at my dorm room on an upper floor.

At some point I left my dorm but I got lost because I was new at the college and I did not know my way around yet, and so I was walking around lost inside and outside the dorm and college buildings that were connected to it.

I remember walking along upper areas that were outside but covered so you could see other students et cetera below, and then my mobile phone rang so I answered it and it was Mrs. Becky who teaches a beginner’s crochet program at The BP Library.

I thought that she was probably calling me to try to get me to attend the next beginner’s crochet program, and so I was bracing for this but to my surprise she told me that she happened to be in this city today and she wanted to meet me at the quad of this college.

Somehow she knew that I had just started attending this college, I felt that she possibly still was going to try to get me to attend another crochet class, but it also sounded like she just wanted to visit and see how I was doing so I told her that I would meet her there.

I told her that I was lost, I possibly could see where the quad was in the distance, but I was not sure how to get there or even how to get from the upper area that I was at.

I stayed on the phone with her as I tried to make my way to the quad, it seemed that maybe she was already there, and so maybe she was waiting on me but it was not clear if that was the case or not.

But I woke up before I could reach the quad and find Mrs. Becky.

The end,

-John Jr

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