
A Spaceship/Shopping Mall?

Before going to bed my stomach was cramping and bubbling badly because of assumed food poisoning, and this impacted my dream as well with me suffering the same symptoms in the dream.

This dream is unclear, some of the early forgotten parts of this dream possibly involved traveling in space in a spaceship where maybe I was the pilot and/or somewhat the commander, and some of my coworkers and maybe some other people were with me.

There was possibly something involving contact with or potential contact with one or more species of aliens, but I can not remember.

I made some decisions that saved our lives and got us safely to maybe a huge spaceship that had or was a shopping mall, but I am not sure and I could be wrong about all the spaceship and traveling through space stuff; but I do know that something about this dream seemed like science fiction and seemed to involve space.

Either way I remember being with some of my coworkers and maybe some other people as we entered the mall, I remember us walking around, and I was still experiencing food poisoning symptoms in the dream.

I remember farting at some point and I was not sure if more than a fart had leaked out or not because of diarrhea, and so I went to find a bathroom so that I could check.

A woman in our group with light-color skin walked to the area where I had farted, I had already walked away from this area, and I saw her gagging like the had walked into the lingering fart.

I continued walking on my search for the bathroom and for some unknown reason, maybe I heard her or just happened to look back to check on the others, I turned around to see my female coworker JB in the distance walking from near an area that I had already walked by that was probably a movie theater; and she was talking to someone who was further away from her, and she had her hair in a ponytail/pulled back.

That was my first or second time seeing JB, I had wondered where she was previously, and I paused for a brief moment like I was wondering if I should turn around and go talk to her briefly; but I basically said/felt/thought nah, like it did not matter really or I did not really care that much or something like that, and I decided not to and I kept walking to find a bathroom.

At some point to my left I saw a hallway or walkway that had some doors along it that looked like bathroom doors, and so I walked that way but it was an employee only area so I kept walking as three short men with light-color skin walked through this area as well.

We reached an area where people were partying and dancing et cetera among areas that were like a clothing section and in the walking areas, and I remember us trying to dodge people and get through the crowds.

The three men were annoying rowdy types that were going around acting like they wanted to fight people, they bumped into me, and started acting like they wanted to fight me.

I felt that I could easily defeat all three of them but I did not waste my time with them, I did not respond as they insulted and threatened me, and when they moved on to the next victim I kept walking trying to find a bathroom.

I possibly started to think about the possibly contact with aliens and the decisions that I had made that had saved us and got us here safely, but I could be wrong; and that is all that I can remember of this dream.

The end,

-John Jr

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