
A Dream World Controlled By Willow?

I barely got 4 hours of sleep last night but I had an interesting long detailed strange transitioning dream or several dreams, but unfortunately I can not remember most of it or them because of all the transitions and details and how long it was and how strange it was.

The dream or dreams kept transitioning between indoor / outdoor areas without me noticing it, and some of the areas were partly made up of: fictional versions of my parent’s neighborhood, the street that The E House is on, and the area by The D Post Office and the feed stores.


Bran Before Braid

On pretty much every off-day from work since I started my new shelver job at The B Parish Library I wake up at 10:30-something AM regardless of when I went to sleep, which is annoying and I can not go back to sleep when this happens usually, and so as usual I was suddenly awakened from my last dream at this time which caused me to forget all of my dreams except for barely part of the end of my last dream from last night.

Some of this dream was possibly inspired by a video that I watched last night called Ghetto Brawls: Queen Of The Hood (Queen Of The Hood), and so it is possible that some women were having street fights in one or more of the videos that some dream characters were watching during this dream and/or they were actually having a street fight or street fights somewhere in the building but I am not sure.


An Automobile Accident On Vacation & A New Baby Sibling & My Cousin TE & My Cousin CE

Description: English: This is a scanning electron microscope image from normal circulating human blood. One can see red blood cells, several white blood cells including lymphocytes, a monocyte, a neutrophil, and many small disc-shaped platelets. Red cells are nonnucleated and contain hemoglobin, an important protein that contains iron and allows the cell to carry oxygen to other parts of the body. They also carry carbon dioxide away from peripheral tissue to the lungs where it can be exhaled. The infection-fighting white blood cells are classified in two main groups: granular and agranular. All blood cells are formed in the bone marrow. There are two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes, which fight disease by producing antibodies and thus destroying foreign material, and monocytes. Platelets are tiny cells formed in bone marrow and are necessary for blood clotting. Type: Black & White Print
Русский: Это изображение нормально циркулирующей крови человека получено с помощью сканирующего электронного микроскопа. Можно видеть красные кровяные тельца, несколько белых клеток крови (в их числе лимфоциты, моноциты, нейтрофилы) и множество мелких дискообразных пластинок. Красные кровяные тельца содержат гемоглобин — важный белок, который содержит железо и позволяет клетке переносить кислород к другим частям тела. Также они переносят углекислый газ от периферических тканей в лёгкие, где тот после газообмена может быть выдохнут. Лейкоциты борются с инфекциями и на две основные группы: гранулярные и агранулярные. Все клетки крови образуются в костном мозге. Есть два типа агранулоцитов: лимфоциты, которые борются с болезнью, производя антитела и тем самым разрушая чужеродный материал, и моноциты. Тромбоциты представляют собой крошечные клетки, образующиеся в костном мозге, и необходимы для свертывания крови. Тип фото: чёрно-белая печать.
العربية : صورة بالمجهر الإلكتروني الماسح لدم الإنسان. يمكن للمرء أن يرى خلايا الدم الحمراء والعديد من خلايا الدم البيضاء بما في ذلك الخلايا الليمفاوية ووحيدات النوى والخلية المتعادلة والعديد من الصفائح الدموية الصغيرة ذات الشكل القرصي.
File:SEM blood cells.jpg

I only remember part of the end of my last dream from last night.

Which took place during the day in a fictional place where I was on vacation with my family.

Including our fictional small pet dog, my / our new fictional baby sibling who I am not sure if it was a boy or girl, but I think that it looked like a girl.

We were staying at a house / motel in a field next to a highway that looked like a house that was equally divided into three parts with three different doors.