
AH Gets Seriously Injured In A Parking Lot At A College

Source: Wikimedia Commons

I barely remember part of three dreams, all of which involved college, and maybe all three dreams recycled the same dream world with only a few minor changes.

Dream 1

The first dream involved me returning to college unprepared (probably a community and/or technical college), and so I started having some of the same problems that caused me to not finish college years ago; such as problems with social anxiety & depression leading to problems with concentration, inspiration, memory, isolation, fear, confusion, and more.

I remember going to one class that was either an English or Math class taught by a male professor with whitish colored skin with long whitish & grayish colored hair & beard, I could not concentrate or figure things (along with many other problems/issues/things/feelings/thoughts/et cetera) out as the teacher showed something on the wall with a projector, and I was not sure what we were supposed to do/write/et cetera; and for some reason I did not think or want to ask the teacher (probably due to the many negative side effects of my problems), and I felt like canceling the class & maybe canceling several classes or canceling the entire semester before it was too late.

It felt like I had signed up for the semester suddenly without preparing or even testing myself to see if I was mentally/emotionally/socially ready, I wondered why did I do that, and I felt bad about another possible failed return to college; and so I tried to think about what I should do, but that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 2

The next dream is even less clear, I remember walking outside during the day when the sun would start setting soon in a fictional lower class college area, and I was probably walking near an area next to an upper class college campus; and on the upper-class side there was a group of upper-class college students walking, and we both found a lower-class woman on the ground who needed help where the upper-class & lower-class area meets/connects.

The woman looked a bit like Naevia on the TV show Spartacus: War Of The Damned combined with Alma Walker from the TV show American Horror Story: Asylum, surprisingly the upper-class college students decided to help her and I helped as well, and we started taking the woman on the upper-class side toward a hospital I think.

We stopped at a nice area with tall buildings with many mirrored windows near the hospital, some of which were a gold color, and the woman stopped with her back facing the nice buildings as the sun reflected nicely off of the mirrored windows & the sky looked nice; and she probably thanked us for helping her & she probably said that she did not need to go to the hospital, and she probably told us what had happened to her.

She then gave a very good speech that surprised/impressed everyone, but she ended the speech with an attack/challenge directed at the upper-class students & those with money/power negatively effecting/affecting & unbalancing our planet/cultures/economies/resources/et cetera; and most of what she said made sense to me, but I was a bit surprised by her saying this also toward the people who had just helped her.

The upper-class students were shocked & probably started to walk off at some point, and then I probably started to talk with the woman; but that is all that I can remember.

Dream 3

The last dream involved me and other college students, many of which were former classmates of mine, leaving to the parking lot during the afternoon to leave the college campus in our automobiles since classes were done; but as I was walking I heard people screaming for help, and so I ran to see what they needed help with.

I saw my former classmate AH on the ground bleeding like he had a serious injury like a gunshot wound or someone stabbed him or possibly cut his arm off or something serious like that, but I am not sure what happened exactly; and some of my former classmates were trying to help him like JU, RM, LB, and a few others.

He was too seriously injured to even sit up, he could only lay on the ground as he continued to bleed, and so we were going to need to pick him up & put him in an automobile & drive him to the hospital before it was too late; and so I told them that I would get my automobile, drive it near AH, we would put him in the back (I had my seats folded down), and I would drive him/them to the hospital.

I started to run to find my automobile panicking a bit since AH was going to die if I did not move quickly enough, not knowing that I was dreaming, I panicked enough to where I accidentally woke myself up from panicking in the dream.

The end,

-John Jr