
Michelle Obama Gives A Speech | Arguments | An Old Movie Theater Becomes A Mall

Description: English: Michelle Obama at the University of New Mexico on September 4, 2008
Čeština: Michelle Obamová při projevu na University of New Mexico, 4. září, 2008
File:Michelle LaVaughn Obama trim2.jpg

Dream 1

In this dream, I was possibly visiting the home of a man with darker color skin who my dad knew, who was having a private event inside his house during the day.

His house was a one-story house with the inside having a modern Bohemian style or something like that with plenty of outdoor lighting and views.

He had one or more special guest speakers at his even, he gave a speech, his young daughter gave a speech, there was possibly another speaker, and the last speaker was Michelle Obama to my surprise.

This was filmed and probably live-streamed.

It was a very small event with only a few of us guests.

My dad was there with me, we did not stay long afterward, then we started walking home.

As we walked, my dad told me that the man had paid Ms. Obama to give her speech at the event.

He told me how much money she was paid, it was a lot, but I can not remember how much exactly.

I do know that it was probably at least $10,000.

We were in a fictional looking city, walking through nice & quiet neighborhoods.

At some point, we reached what looked like a fictional version of West Park.

Tom Cruise & an older woman with light color skin were talking about the declining crab and / or something population & other declines of things at the park.

They were saddened and worried about the declines.

I climbed and jumped across this area to take a shortcut through the park.

I woke up as we walked through the park.

Dream 2

In this dream, I was with a couple, a woman & a man with light color skin, who were outside their apartment during the day arguing near their vehicle.

They lived near a fast food restaurant & business area with various nearby stores & restaurants et cetera.

They were arguing about a trip we are going on very soon.

Their kitten was playing nearby them as some men in the fast food restaurant parking lot watched and smiled at their argument.

It was a mild argument, then they had an even milder argument about what video quality setting to use on their two Wyze Cams (budget surveillance cameras by Wyze) outside their apartment.

The man wanted a lower video quality setting because it would increase their privacy because it would be harder to see the details, and the woman wanted a higher video quality setting.

I suggested two compromises to them.

One compromise was that they pick a medium quality setting.

The second compromise was that one of the Wyze Cams could use the high quality video setting while the other could use the low quality video setting, and they could decide where to put each camera.

They stopped to consider my compromises.

So my suggestions seemed to be working at ending their argument, and give them an approach to reduce / prevent arguments like this.

That is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 3

This dream took place during the day.

I went to a fictional shopping center with an old multi-story movie theater that was converted into a basically a shopping mall.

Each room that used to be a cinema room was now a store.

I am not sure if this was a fictional city or a fictional version of DeRidder.

So I went shopping at the building, the building was confusing with several outdoor entrances, and different stores scattered around.

It took me awhile to find the correct entrance, and even longer to find the correct stores.

There were one or more events taking place around the building as well with various people around the building.

I can not remember the details of the store or stores that I went to exactly, other than maybe at least one of them was owned by a family from another country.

That is all that I can remember of this dream.

The end,

  • John Jr

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