
The Ontario Barbells (Case 74282) | DoD Contractor Sees Unidentified Object With Strange Symbols | Case 74282 – Witness Full Video – Ontario Canada

What Is It?

The YouTube video The Ontario Barbells | DoD Contractor Sees Unidentified Object With Strange Symbols by the YouTube channel It’s [redacted]., and the YouTube video Case 74282 – Witness Full Video – Ontario, Canada by the YouTube channel Mutual UFO Network (MUFON):

The Ontario Barbells | DoD Contractor Sees Unidentified Object with Strange Symbols
Case 74282 – Witness full video – Ontario, Canada

Here are the descriptions for the videos above:

The Ontario Barbells | DoD Contractor Sees Unidentified Object With Strange Symbols:

In August 2013, witnesses 1, 2 and 3 were driving on a remote logging road in Ontario, Canada.

They had just finished hunting, and were on their way back to camp.

What followed is one of the most interesting close-up encounters with an unidentified object in recorded history.

The primary witness is an engineer and has contracts with the Department of Defense, something that has been verified by investigators Phil Leech and Robert Powell.

We spoke with Powell, now with the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), about the case, and why he believes it’s so compelling.

The primary witness and witness both went on the record to investigators – their testimony, along with a video they recorded, is covered in today’s episode.


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0:00 Intro

2:10 Witness #1

6:02 Movement of travel

6:42 “Just shoot it!”

8:13 Double checking the math

10:41 Second and third UFOs

11:40 Video recording

12:39 Strange symbols


Source documents and credits listed here:

It’s [redacted] is a venture of It’s Bloody Science! LLC, which created the narration and editing of this video.

All other images, sounds, music and video clips are freely available in the public domain or Creative Commons licenses, or are licensed via Storyblocks or the YouTube Audio Library.


Song No. 1: The A Return, Jesse Gallagher

Song No. 2: It’s Coming, Josh Kirsch/Media Right Productions

Song No. 3: 100 Degrees Under, RAGE

Case 74282 – Witness Full Video – Ontario, Canada:

We previously uploaded a video overview of this Case 74282 that showed interview highlights and an introduction by MUFON Director of Research Robert Powell.

This is the full interview from this case, where three men on a hunting trip in Ontario, Canada, have a close encounter with a barbell-shaped UFO.

Witness interviews and CGI of the object created by Witness #1.

Case investigated by Indiana MUFON State Section Director Philip Leech.

Listen to MUFON UFO Traffic Report radio show with Host Race Hobbs for the case overview with Guests Philip Leech and Robert Powell that ran on March 1, 2016; – 7-9 p.m. ET – which is in podcast download form now.

Permissions to show this video are on file with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).