
My Parents Own A Museum? | A Cinco De Mayo-Like Celebration Downtown?

Dream 1

In this dream, my parents and I possibly bought or got an old museum-like building.

I am not sure if part of it was going to be our house or not.

I do know that this was going to allow us to preserve some history, and my parents could make some money / have jobs into old age.

We talked about whether they wanted to run it themselves or pay someone else to do some of the work, but that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 2

This dream took place in a fictional version of DeRidder, there was a Cinco De Mayo-like celebration being set up downtown by mostly people who could speak Spanish who I assume were mostly from Mexico (were Mexican).

The downtown was a larger & fictional version that was being remodeled by mostly some of the same people setting up the celebration.

The library was within a building or several connected buildings that also had a school and college.

Earlier in a forgotten part of the dream, there was something involving the school that I either heard about and / or I went to the school areas, but I can not remember the details.

At some point I either walked or drove and then started walking when I reached the downtown area that was probably closed to traffic because of the upcoming celebration.

I walked by the people setting up the celebration and the areas under construction, I remember large metal beams, et cetera.

To get to the library, I possibly had to walk through parts of the college, or hallways that past it.

Along the way and when I reached the library I met several of my coworkers like maybe: my supervisor Ms. JR, our director Ms. EC, our assistant director Ms. JM, my former library coworker Ms. LF, my female coworker DT, Ms. MW, Ms. RB, and maybe Mr. CF.

The library was possibly being remodeled and / or was still in the process of being moved into this part of the building.

I remember asking one or more of my coworkers if we were really working today or not because the celebration was going to start eventually, but I can not remember the response.

That is all that I can remember of this dream.

The end,

  • John Jr

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