
A Centauride (Centauress)? | Getting Shot At

I went to bed too late and I had one or more dreams that I remembered but I accidentally overslept without voice recording them, and so now I can barely remember part of what I will separate as three dreams.

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that it involved my male cousin ME.

Dream 2

All that I can remember of this dream is that it possibly involved a female maybe horse-like probably humanoid (maybe a centauride (centauress)?) who could talk, and I probably talked with her and maybe some of my family talked with her as well but I can not remember.

But that is all that I can remember of this dream unfortunately, I remembered more, but I lost it when I accidentally went back to sleep and overslept a bit.

Dream 3

All that I can remember of this dream is that it took place during the night in a LC-like city or a fictional version of the city of LC, and at the end of the dream I was with my parent’s and my brother GC and maybe my brothers KD and TD.

There was something about a college at some point, but I can not remember the details.

I remember us being inside a multi-story maybe multi-purpose building walking around, there were other people there as well, and some parts of the building were possibly college-like and some were hospital-like and some were shopping mall-like et cetera.

We walked around on several floors and we used an elevator at least once, at some point we were about ready to go so that we could go eat at a restaurant or buffet before they close, and so we started walking through the building to leave.

At some point we walked into a tall room that seemed to be still under construction, the front of it was warehouse-like with crates et cetera scattered around, and further back among the scaffolding and upper floor-like areas we saw some men armed with guns who seemed to be part of some kind of organized crime organization (mafia, gang, et cetera).

The gang members / whoever started shooting at us so we started trying to run, when we reached the warehouse-like area I decided to try to start a fire that would cause some flammable and explosive crates / et cetera to explode to stop the armed men from following us, and so I grabbed some chemicals or something that was lying around and I used a lighter to start a fire.

Unfortunately I did not have time to properly set the explosion up because the armed men were getting closer so I had to run, I started the fire but it missed its target, and so there was only a small fire and no explosion.

I was afraid that the police et cetera would investigate the fire and any possible explosions and that they would find clues that could link it back to me so I wanted to turn around to get any evidence but I could not because of the armed men, and so I at least wiped the door knobs off with my shirt to try to remove our fingerprints before running away.

My family and I ran to the elevators and we got on the one on the far right side, and then a college student who looked similar to the actor Miles Teller walked into the elevator so we warned him about the situation and we quickly pressed the button to close the elevator and move to a floor that we could escape outside from.

The college student walked to a vending machine that was built into the wall of the elevator, there was something wrong with it or something, and so I remember helping him and / or telling him something about the vending machine.

Suddenly the elevator stopped moving like someone had pushed an emergency button or something, we assumed that it was the armed men who were after us, and so we waited a moment before pushing the button to go to a different floor.

The college student decided to run to escape the building as well, he offered us a ride because his automobile was probably closer than ours, and so we accepted his offer to drop us off at the restaurant or buffet.

We managed to avoid the armed men and we escaped in his car, I sat in the front seat and my family sat in the back, and as we were driving the college student saw some of his male friends and classmates driving so they stopped and rolled down their windows to talk briefly.

His friends said that they were on their way to maybe a club or something, they did not know the address and they only had a general idea of where it might be, and so they were on their way to find it and they invited him to join them and he accepted.

At this point we assumed that the armed men would probably not find us.

We continued driving and eventually it became clear that instead of dropping us off first, the college student was determined to find the place that his friends were headed too, and he was having problems finding it so he was getting frustrated.

My family appreciated him giving us a ride but we were running out of time before the restaurant or buffet closes, and so they politely reminded him about our deal and about this but the college student was angry and accused my family of being ungrateful and said that he should just kick us out now.

I let him know that my family and I appreciated the ride and I tried to explain what they were trying to say, that helped a bit, but he was still acting like a jerk and he was continuing to grow frustrated about not being able to find the place that his friends were headed to.

I pulled out my mobile phone and I told him that we could try to use the GPS on my mobile phone to find the place, and so I asked him for the name of the place and he maybe said: “The Not *Something that I can not remember*”.

I was not sure if he was just being sarcastic or if he was serious, and so I asked him again but I can not remember if he replied with the same name or if he said maybe The Middlemarch (which I remember thinking of when I woke up, I am not sure if The Middlemarch was mentioned in one of the other dreams and / or this dream).

I entered whatever name he gave me and the GPS found directions for it, it said that we were over 3 miles away from it, and it started giving us directions to it that I called out to the college student.

But I woke up.

The end,

-John Jr

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