
Being Called To The Stand As A Witness | Knights Talking? | Returning To A Massively Multiplayer Virtual Reality Role-playing Video Game?

Dream 1

This dream involved an accusation and dispute about / of someone saying and / or doing something that possibly involved the George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

There was a trial-like situation going on involving this dispute / accusation, and I was possibly one of several people called up to the stand as witnesses to be questioned / interrogated by maybe one or more lawyers.

The male lawyer with light-color skin wearing a suit who questioned / interrogated me did a good job trying to get me to doubt myself and what I possibly heard and saw, and he was so good at this that I really started to doubt myself.

But that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 2

This dream involved some knight-like characters from maybe the anime television show Overlord talking about maybe some accusations / rumors made about them, but that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 3

This dream was also inspired by the anime television show Overlord, and this dream involved some characters returning to maybe a massively multiplayer virtual reality role-playing video game.

One or more of the characters were probably real people (probably just one of them), but the others were NPCs (non-player characters) who seemed to based on the friends of the real person or people who had just returned to the video game.

The NPCs seemed to be unstable and seemed like extreme versions of the real people they were based on, and they kept arguing with each other.

The real person started to figure out a way to stabilize them by switching between controlling the NPCs briefly and then talking to them about working together and doing other things to try to counter their extremeness, and this seemed to be working as the NPCs started to stabilize and they started to work together.

But that is all that I can remember of this dream.

The end,

-John Jr

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