
When Brains Dream: Exploring The Science And Mystery Of Sleep

What is it?

The 2021 book When Brains Dream: Exploring The Science And Mystery Of Sleep by Antonio Zadra & Robert Stickgold.

When Brains Dream: Exploring The Science and Mystery of Sleep with Dr. Antonio Zadra
Understanding Lucid Dreaming | Antonio Zadra | TEDxMarinSalon

My Thoughts

This new book that we had at The BP Library was recommended to me by my coworker Ms. BJ, so I decided to check it out & read it, it took me longer than it should have to finish reading it, but I read it & I am glad that I did; and so thank you Ms. BJ.

This is the best book that I have read on sleep & dreams so far, and it gave an overview of sleep & dream research from the past to the present day, covering a range of topics that impact our waking lives & sleeping lives & the states in between.

I learned things about some early sleep & dream pioneers before & after Sigmund Freud, whose work was unfortunately overshadowed (even those whose work was better than Freud’s), and how Freud got too much attention for his work in comparison to some who came before & after him.

They even mentioned a lucid dreaming technique for summoning things in your lucid dreams that I need to try one day to see if it works for me or not.

While we have learned some new things about sleep & dreams, there is still a lot to learn & understand, and so the mystery continues.

I am glad that there are still some people doing dream & sleep research, not enough unfortunately, and not enough people (including medical professionals & scientist) know some details mentioned in this book about the current state of dream & sleep research.

I definitely recommend reading this book, the beginning was easy to read, but it became more difficult to read whenever they would mention charts & more technical details; fortunately it starts to become more easy to read again near the end, and they try to give you an overview of each chapter at the end of each chapter.

The end,

-John Jr

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