
Work Training / Competition | Dorm Sekso

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that it involved training / a competition / work.

This was possibly all connected to work, I could be wrong though, but I do know that part of the dream took place at maybe a slightly fictional version of The BP Library.


An Accidentally Summoned Entity Called Queen Bee

I am not sure if this is two dreams or one dream, so I will type them separately.

I woke up twice without voice recording them, and so I have forgotten details of each dream.

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream from last night is that it took place during the day in my parent’s neighborhood.

I think that my male cousin DE and/or my aunt JE (his mother) were mentally unstable in the dream, and one of them possibly accidentally summoned an entity into the dream without even knowing it.


Getting Chased By Tigers? | My Brother CC And My Sister-In-Law JC

Dream 1

All that I can remember of the end of my first dream is that it took place during the day in a fictional location, and I was walking through a somewhat cleared forest-like yard/area where someone had their own little zoo of non-human animals including very dangerous animals.

I think that this fictional location was near E Manor and some of my family and some of my family members from my mom’s side of the family were possibly at E Manor but I can not remember those parts of the dream, and I just remember walking around maybe trying to reach E Manor again.

There were various fence areas that I probably crossed where there were various animals/pets in each one, I accidentally entered one that had a bear in it who probably chased me until I escaped this area, and then I got stuck in a tall fenced area where maybe two tigers chased me; and this was a bit scary/realistic, and I barely escaped by climbing the tall fence and crossing various other areas as they tried to attack me.

At some point I finally made my way back to E Manor probably, but that is all that I can remember of this dream unfortunately.

Dream 2

All that I can remember of the end of the second/last dream is that it was very confusing and dream-like, and it took place during the day in a fictional LC-like city where my family and I seemed to be visiting with my brother CC and his wife/my sister-in-law JC.

I remember talking with them outside and/or inside at first about various things, I remember thinking that my sister-in-law JC had unused potential (I think that I saw her reading, and she talked about some ideas that she had), and she just needed some help getting/keeping inspiration and help improving her and my brother CC’s attention/focus and a few other things like that; and help learning to better manage their money/lives/and more, and I acknowledged and recognized that I needed help with some of those things as well.

I also remember us talking about wedding rings, maybe they were trying to decide on what wedding rings to choose and/or something like that, but I can not remember.

I remember us being outside and the sky was a grayish color and cloudy like it was going to rain, I remember us driving up a road with a bridge on a hill that blocked our view of the other side of the city, and it started raining maybe; and it seemed to be flooding so bad when we got on the bridge on the hill that the water was up to the bridge on this hill, and I remember us trying to dodge pools of water and the water splashing in the air.

We still could not see the rest of the city yet to see how bad it was to know whether to turn around or not, we wanted to get close enough to at least see the rest of the city before turning around, but I woke up.

The end,

-John Jr