
A Possible Zombie Threat And Having A Shootout With Two Revolvers And Mrs. VS And The Sportsman’s Guide Magazine?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

I slept pretty well/solidly last night except for waking up briefly one or more times drooling a bit (nasty, maybe I was snoring or something like that and/or talking in my sleep), I had to use the bathroom but I went back to sleep instead, and later I woke up from my dream probably because my bladder was hurting badly with stabbing pains because I needed to urinate so bad; and once again my mind was blank when I woke up, but I took a moment to try to remember part of one dream.

My bladder pains and blank mind made it difficult even though I know that I had several clear somewhat long dreams and I had just woke up from a dream, and so I can only remember barely part of one dream unfortunately; and this dream took place during the day in a fictional area away from/on the outskirts a city probably but I probably could not see the city really because of trees that surrounded most of this area, and I somehow went to a medium-sized multi-story civic center/apartment-like building with a field on the back & sides of it with a large parking lot in the front of it.

On part of the large parking lot and on some parts of the field were tents and temporary housing structures where I saw people (young and old, mostly families with kids) camping, and I probably went inside the building on the first floor; and there were some people living on a hallway on the first floor that had apartment rooms on both sides of the hallway, and some people were in a shared dinning room/kitchen/living room/meeting room area.

I came across a man who explained to me that most of the building had been attacked and taken over by threats, oddly I can not remember what the threats were or what they looked like or if I fought any of them or not, but I am guessing the threats were zombies and/or maybe ghost-like creatures and/or something like that; and so most of the people who lived at the building were living outside now, but some of the people were brave enough to stay on parts of the first floor which seemed to be the only safe area.

Something happened that I can not remember inside the building were a gang/group of people and I got into an argument over guns/weapons probably, I probably asked for some guns/weapons to help fight/clear the threats from the building, and I guess the gang/group of people and/or their leader became very aggressive for no clear reason; and I ended up having a gun battle with the leader of the group, and I grabbed two long barrel revolvers that the group/gang had as my weapons in the gun battle.

The two revolvers had blackish colored metal barrels and chambers with reddish/brownish colored wooden handles, they looked pretty good and clean, but I think that the leader of the group/gang had one or more modern guns like one or two pistols; and I remember trying to stop the gun battle but the leader would not listen, and so we ran around the room or rooms taking cover , and shooting at each other as his gang and the man who talked to me earlier watched.

During our gun battle the chamber on one of my revolvers popped out at least twice, which was annoying and it almost got me killed, and so I had to shoot with one revolver while trying to pop the chamber back in place on the other revolver.

Unlike in some films and dreams, I actually had to reload my guns and I only had a few shots/bullets like in real life, and because I had two revolvers the process was slow; but fortunately the leader had to reload as I was reloading one of my revolvers, my other revolver still had a few more bullets/shots, and so I emptied my chambers of the empty bullet shells and I started reloading as the leader and I talked as we reloaded our guns oddly.

At this point our gun battle seemed comedic and we started to become friends as we talked while reloading oddly, and once we finished reloading our guns we started to have a brief sport-like gun shooting competition with each other instead of a gun battle; and then it seemed like we were friends now and so we briefly talked and we shook hands, and it seemed that the leader and his gang no longer bothered us in the dream after that.

The man who had talked to me earlier continued talking with me about the situation, he introduced me to the council of people who were trying to keep things organized now that the building was mostly taken over by threats, and one of the council members was my former co-worker Mr. VS.

The council members tried to organize things and to keep life as normal as they could for the people who lived at the building, who mostly lived outside now, and so they would hold meetings and have various activities/et cetera; and after briefly talking with some of the council members, who were mostly senior citizens, I went outside to the camps outside for some unknown reason(s).

I noticed that one tent had a small bathroom connected to it and so I went inside of it to use the bathroom, I had to un-zip the door and the tent was made of tan/light-brownish colored somewhat see-through material, and I probably used the bathroom; but then a husband (who had whitish colored skin with short brownish/blondish colored hair wearing a dark-colored plaid long sleeve button shirt with blue jeans) and wife (who had whitish colored skin with long blondish colored hair) and their young daughter (who looked like the wife/mother) and maybe a few other kids and their dog were near the outside of the bathroom, and so it seemed that this tent belonged to them and so I tried to sneak away without being noticed.

The husband and wife were busy talking, the kids and dog were playing, and so I tried to sneak away quietly and slowly; but the zipper on the door broke or got un-aligned, which was very annoying and I remember whispering something to myself like: “Really? Is this really happening to me now? Just my luck! Lucky Me! Dang!”, and so I had to try to crawl out of the bathroom which was hard because I did not have much space; and as I crawled out the young daughter was standing there watching me, and I thought that she was going to tell her parent’s who were still busy talking but surprisingly she just started at me.

The young daughter probably pointed at me and she probably looked at her parent’s but they were not paying attention, I probably smiled uncomfortably at the young daughter and I waved, and then I sneaked away once I finished crawling out of the bathroom; and I went back inside the building on the first floor to talk with my former coworker Mrs. VS because it has been years since I last spoke with her, and I went to the open room where she had last been with the counsel but I did not see her.

I did see a copy of The Sportsman’s Guide magazine in her dead husband’s name that was really for me, in the dream I had either a memory from a past dream and/or a false memory and/or a real memory where Mrs. VS used to get copies of The Sportsman’s Guide magazine and maybe I wanted to start getting them too and so she would just give me her copy each time that she got a new one because she did not need/want them (maybe her dead husband used to order stuff from them, and after he died they still sent copies to her house), and all I had to do was come pick up new copies from her house when I would visit her sometimes; but I stopped visiting her after I went to college and we stopped communicating years ago, but copies of The Sportsman’s Guide magazine for me (in her dead husband’s name) were still coming to her house/apartment.

I stood there thinking about this and I felt a bit bad/sad for not visiting her all these years, I also found it interesting that she still had not canceled the subscription to the magazine, and she still seemed to be saving them for me just in case I came to visit her again one day; and so I felt like talking with her even more now and apologizing to her, and I hoped that maybe we could start communicating again and that I could start visiting her again.

I think that in the dream I had my own subscription to The Sportsman’s Guide magazine, and so I was going to also tell Mrs. VS about that so that she could cancel her subscription; and I asked some other council members where I could find her, and I walked off to find her.

And at some point I think that I found her, she looked a bit sad when she saw me like she felt a bit hurt/sad about me not visiting her and about us not communicating all these years, and this made me feel worse but I uncomfortably greeted her; and we both paused awkwardly trying to figure out what to say to each other after all these years of not communicating, but I woke up.

The end,

-John Jr


July 20, 2012 | Dream Journal | A Zombie Surprise

File:Zombies NightoftheLivingDead.jpg
Source: Wikimedia Commons

I remember part of one or two connected dreams, with the first dream or the first part of the dream being a bit realistic & movie-like, and it started in the day; but I can not remember the beginning of the dream.

I remember being with two other men and we walked into an abandoned looking neighborhood/village-like complex in the middle of no-where, it looked like people had left and/or hid in a hurry, like something serious had happened.

This area was near some water & maybe a mountain-like structure, and it felt like we were far away from any city; there were a few houses, small shops, a building complex, and maybe a few other structures that made up this tiny village-like place.

The area was quiet, it was somewhat like being in a post apocalyptic style film, and the two men & I quietly/cautiously explored the outside areas; I am not sure if we saw anything directly to make us so cautious or not, either way something did not seem right to us, and so we were very cautious.

At some point we decided to find a place to camp, and I suggested that we camp somewhere high for safety/security reasons; and so we went to the top of an adobe style house/building.

Being up high allowed us to see the area better and it would be harder for threats to reach us.

I wonder if something big had happened that caused us to leave the city, because we had no automobiles & we had reached the middle of no-where on foot, and we seemed to be in survival mode; but I am not sure what happened at the beginning of the dream.

Right before we set up camp we decided to see if the largest building complex was unlocked, and it was unlocked; and so we quietly entered the building complex.

We were super cautious & quiet and so we only explored a very small area, and we decided to camp inside a room in the building complex; because the electricity & water was still working & there were air conditioners.

The room had several beds, three wall air conditioners side-by-side (oddly), a bathroom, and maybe a tiny kitchen area.

We kept the door locked & we were super quiet & cautious, since we had not searched the area well, and it looked like everyone who had lived in the building complex had left and/or hid in a hurry.

I am not sure if we went to sleep at some point or not, I just remember the second dream or the second part of the dream, and I was still in the building complex.

I am not sure what happened to the two other men, I just remember finding a small corner hall on the first floor that had a group of people on it, and I went to talk with them; but they seemed to be panicked & afraid, but I never was able to get a clear answer about what happened to the village.

I found out/knew/and/or was told/shown that most if not all the people were ghosts, they were mostly people who lived in the building complex/village who had been killed/died recently, and so most of them were still panicked/confused.

I decided to take charge and try to get everyone together to find weapons/supplies, to practice/train various skills, to form security teams to prepare to search the building, et cetera.

I do not think that the ghosts could touch stuff but I am not sure, I remember going into one of the rooms with a ghost & maybe a living person to find weapons/supplies, but then a hand burst through the ceiling trying to grab us; and it was a zombie I guess.

I found a shovel and I started trying to hit the zombie with it, but most of its body was still on the second floor; and the ghost was running around scared.

I yelled for the others to get weapons and prepare for a possible zombie attack, but most of them were ghosts & so they just ran/flew around scared. 😀

Eventually the zombie either went back on the second floor or I killed it, I am not sure, and then I went to try to get the ghosts & the others to calm down.

I knew that we did not have much time to plan/prepare, and so I started trying to come up with a quick plan.

I told the ghosts to search the building counting how many zombies there were & where they were & to search for supplies/weapons, and I told the living people to get weapons & set up people to guard the entrances/exits while I quickly equipped/trained/prepared some security teams to slowly search the building to clear out the zombies; and I wanted to re-enforce/reinforce the windows/doors on our hallway to help resist against a zombie attack.

First I gave a speech trying to calm everyone down and to get them to work together as a team, and I tried to get them to better deal with their fear.

I reminded the ghosts that they were dead & that the zombies probably could not touch them, and so they could be our eyes/ears/spies/distractions against the zombies.

I told the living people that if we worked in teams together with the proper weapons/armor/practice, we could probably defeat the zombies, and make the building complex safer.

Everyone started to calm down a bit, but it was clear that it would take a lot of effort to get them ready for survival; but I had no choice, or we would all die, so I was going to try my hardest.

I knew that I had to show the others that we were tougher than they thought, but I warned them that the zombies were dangerous.

I have dealt with zombies many times in dreams and so I was using my knowledge/experience to help me in this dream, and I was ready to show the others what I knew; and I wanted to show them that we could kill zombies.

I woke up as I was quickly trying to finish my plan and prepare everything to better our chances for survival.

The end,

-John Jr 🙂


A Recycled Dream World

Last night I had about 6 dreams, three of the dreams used/recycled the same dream world and so did the other three. 😀

Dream 1

The first three dreams took place in a large house that looked like a combination of a house/apartment/& some unknown building, and I was with a team of men & women.

We had guns and we were working together to clear/search this house, which appeared to probably have many threats hidden inside of it, maybe: zombies, ghosts, strange creatures, and various other things like that.

I appeared to be the leader and my team and I were being very cautious, and we moved very slowly through the house checking our corners & watching our backs.

The house was pretty dark and it had long maze-like halls with many rooms, with most of the doors closed, which made it scarier; and the house had several floors/stories, to make things worse.

Next to the entrance was a stairway in front of the entrance, another stairway was to the left side connected to a hallway, and the last stairway was to the right side connected to a hallway.

Behind the stairway in front of the entrance was an entrance to the main living areas of the house, and so the entrance area was like a small lobby.

The stairways with hallways were connected, both had stairways in a spindle shape and the hallways connected around the outside of the main living areas, like a rectangular or square maze.

I can not remember the good details of this dream or if we fought anything, but I know that we either seen and/or imagined some strange things in the house; the house had a dark & foggy & scarier atmosphere, though I did not let the fear bother me that much, but it did make me more cautious.

My team and I seemed to work very good together, and we moved around in military/SWAT-like formation(s); we had handguns, submachine guns, shotguns, and compact assault rifles/carbines.

I remember that I wanted to stay close to the exit/entrance and that I was worried about getting flanked in the hallways, so I took a lot of care to protect our flanks and I/we tried to stay close to the exit/entrance during the early parts of this dream.

I remember splitting/dividing my team up into groups after clearing some of the first floor, and we slowly started checking every room and floor one-at-a-time (and we communicated with some ear piece things/devices & I remember asking my team(s) for status reports several times), but that is all that I can remember in the first dream (though I know that a lot more happened, and it was probably freaky/scary (but my team and I were brave & we fought the threats, even if we were a bit afraid at times).

Dream 2

The second dream took place in the same house, except one of my former classmates and his parent’s lived there, and I was there visiting him along with someone else; the house still have that weird atmosphere, but I do not remember seeing anything unusual.

He showed us around certain parts of the house and at some point in the dream, he wanted to kill one of his pets for some reason, maybe it had rabies or something; I can not remember, I just remember us running through the house chasing it with BB guns and a mêlée weapon.

I do not remember the exact circumstances, but it is not what it sounds like, it was not an animal cruelty situation exactly; he cared about his pet, but something happened, and I had to try to help him when something went wrong but I can not remember what happened exactly.

Maybe it was an experiment gone wrong or something, I do not remember, I just remember shooting the pet (which may have been a cat at this point) with the BB gun; but the gun was a weak Red Ryder BB Gun, so the BB fell to the ground after hitting it, and so my classmate had to kill it with the mêlée weapon.

Whatever the circumstances were, we were not doing this for fun, but out of a threat/necessity; but that is all that I can remember in the second dream.

Dream 3

The third dream took place in this same house, but this time another former classmate of mine lived there, and the stairway in front of the entrance led to a gym. 🙂

In the gym there was a basketball game going on and so I went to watch some of it, and I sat on the floor with some of the players & cheerleaders who were sitting on the side-lines; and the rest of the crowd was in the stands.

The gym was surprisingly big, but this house was big as well, and I sat there watching some of the game and I listened to some of the people talk.

It appeared to be a Junior Varsity basketball game and I remember seeing some fancy lettering on the jerseys of one team, that had something like DH-JV or something written on it.

I heard some of the high school girls talking about one of my former classmates, who was sitting in the stands wearing a basketball jersey, and they were talking about how he was cute or something like that; which I found amusing, especially since they did not seem to realize how old he really was, and that they were/are just little kids compared to us.

At some point I decided to leave and as I was walking toward the exit, I noticed that/the same former classmate that the girls were talking about, was walking in front of me toward the exit with his soon to be wife; and for some reason I started to feel that I looked like a jealous former boyfriend of his future wife or something.

So I tried to keep my distance as they walked and talked, and I started to wonder if I had really dated his future wife before or not, which I did not recall/remember, and so I guess that I had not dated his future wife before.

As I left the gym I noticed one of my brothers and he wanted me to show him around the other parts of the house, but I then remembered the first dream and I decided to teach him some room clearing/searching techniques. 🙂

I had a pistol and I walked over to the stairway with the hallway connected to it on the left side, and I started showing him how to check his corners and how to watch his back, and I showed him some other tips/techniques/tactics.

I felt cautious about going further into the house, and so I told him to stay back, until my team was back to make sure that the place was clear/safe; but then I woke up.

Dream 4 And Dream 5

The fourth and fifth dream took place in a fictional & somewhat slightly futuristic version of D, with me driving downtown in one of the dreams and walking downtown in the other, but that is all that I can remember of those two.

Dream 6

My last dream involved me in this same town but I was with my parent’s and they had a baby with them, who I am guessing was supposed to be either one of my real life brothers (but he was a baby again) or a fictional new baby brother or something; and we were walking in the/a nice & modern park-like area.

There was an open field that had walk ways, water fountains, statues, plants, chairs, and more.

It appeared that most of the town had gathered for an event under this somewhat futuristic-looking pavilion, and there was a big screen with an unknown film showing.

I think food and drink was also served, and we sat watching some of the film until it started to rain; and for some reason part of the pavilion had a fancy roof that did not cover the entire area, and so some of us had to leave to avoid getting too wet.

So my parent’s, the baby, and I started to walk back to the automobile; and I carried the baby as we walked.

I noticed some of my former classmates as we got closer to a building that were somewhat near the parking area, and I wondered if they would think that the baby was my son or something. 🙂

I handed the baby back to my mom and told my parent’s that I was going to stay at the park-like place, so they left.

I talked with a few of my former classmates as we stood underneath a catwalk, until it stopped raining, and then I walked around to explore this park-like area.

At some point I found a small old graveyard and I saw an old/elderly woman helping her very old/elderly mom, as they walked around looking at the graveyard and taking pictures.

Both women had darker brown colored skin and they had black & gray colored hair, and the mom needed her daughters help to walk.

I walked around trying to avoid stepping on some of the graves, since the graveyard was old and it was not taken very good care of, so there was grass growing over some of the graves; and I listened as the mom told her daughter about how this was her first time being back to her birth town in years.

She told her daughter various stories about her childhood and about the good old times that she/they used to have, and I started to think about some of my old memories.

It was a great and sad moment for us, and I started to cry, but I walked away so that they would not see me cry/crying; it was a cry/they were tears of happiness and sadness, and it/they/the moment was very realistic.

I walked away missing some of my happy childhood moments/memories and I was probably disappointed in a lot of my adulthood moments/life/world/environment, but I was happy that at least I had some memories of better times; even if they are/were long gone/past, and I hoped for better days to return to the present and future or something like that.

I wondered/thought about how the adult world/culture seems to destroy/suppress parts of us as we get older and we often start to lose certain things we had during our childhood or something like that; but then I woke up.

The end,

-John Jr 🙂