
Default WordPress Theme Twenty Seventeen Demo Has Been Released

Some of you may know that for several years in a row now I have tried to keep up with news on the default themes for WordPress each year, throughout each year I do random web (internet) searches, and I search through various official and unofficial Automattic/WordPress blogs and websites including some that belong to some staff members (employees) trying to get early news about the default themes for WordPress each year.

This is usually not easy and finding this information is usually hard because most of those blogs/websites do not talk about this usually, except some of the blogs/websites, which I usually do not look at or follow because I am only a user with a free account so that led to the Twenty Thirteen theme slipping under my radar even when I had tried to find information about it so I was surprised when it was released suddenly years ago without my knowledge of it even being worked on yet or discussed yet.

Fortunately WordPress Tavern (WP Tavern) has made this easier for me the last two years because the official blogs (including ThemeShaper) usually do not talk about things like this, I usually can rely on WordPress Tavern to release news (information) about future default themes for WordPress (and they also help you stay updated on various WordPress related news, and other things so I recommend checking out their blog/website), and so that is one of the reasons that I have followed their blog/website now for at least two years (if I had followed them years ago the Twenty Thirteen theme would have not sneaked under my radar).

Thanks to WordPress Tavern I got early information about the future default WordPress theme Twenty Seventeen when Sarah Gooding released a post called WordPress 4.7 To Ship With New Twenty Seventeen Default Theme, and in that post she linked to the announcement on the Make WordPress Core blog called Say Hello To Twenty Seventeen 👋🏽.

A few weeks later I visited the Make WordPress Core blog again out of curiosity and I noticed that on October 21, 2016 David A. Kennedy made a post on the Make WordPress Core blog called Twenty Seventeen Meeting Notes: Oct. 21 2016, and in that post Mr. Kennedy announced that there is now a demo for the future default WordPress theme Twenty Seventeen, and here is a link to that theme demo:


I hope to see some of the WordPress staff members (employees) and/or users using the future Twenty Seventeen theme live before it is released officially, but until then I am glad that there is a demo that we can look at.

Right now the Twenty Seventeen theme reminds me of the Twenty Sixteen theme combined with the Karuna theme, I wish that the title and tagline and menu were centered, and I wish that the title and tagline would have been separated from the header image area because they can conflict with the header area making it harder to read the text and/or see the header in some places.

I think that the theme looks okay and that the navigation seems smooth so far, I hope that the video header option happens and that it will be available for us normal users with free accounts, and I hope that the Twenty Seventeen theme is good enough to meet my basic requirements and expectations for themes (it already gets one strike for having the title and tagline on the same line as the header image area) so that I can use it on my blog when it is released later this year in December.

I look forward to trying/testing the Twenty Seventeen theme once it is released.

-John Jr

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