
The Beach | Andi James Gets Arrested | Art & Science & Levitation & Flying & Luna Lovegood / Evanna Lynch | Patrons Need Help

Description	Y esta semana tocaba hacernos levitar un poco :D
File:10-52³, Levitación – Levitation – Flickr – anieto2k.jpg

Dream 1

Part of this dream involved me talking with my brother KDC’s fiancé KC, maybe my brother KDC, and my dad in their bedroom in my parent’s house during the day.

I am not sure if this next part is part of this dream or another dream, so I will assume that it was part of this dream.

There was a beach with mostly people who would be considered Hispanic, not all the people just most, and they were partying & having fun & some were selling things on the beach.

I went to that beach & I heard various songs being played like: the song Fiesta by R. Kelly & Jay-Z & Boo & Gotti, the song Shots by LMFAO & Lil Jon, another song that I knew but have since forgotten after waking up (maybe the song Mamacita by Pharrell Williams & Daddy Yankee), and one or more songs:

Fiesta (Remix)
LMFAO – Shots Ft. Lil Jon
Pharrell Ft. Daddy Yankee – Mamacita

That is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 2

This dream involved me seeing an advertisement image (possibly an animated GIF image) / a short video commercial with Andi James & a dog that seemed / was pornographic with maybe nudity & that either implied sex or had actual sex that might be considered bestiality that seemed to be promoting a porn film and / or porn scene starring Andi James & maybe the dog et cetera.

I assume that I was on the internet watching a normal video or something, when this advertisement started.

This advertisement got Andi James arrested, and I assumed that perhaps they also arrested the porn studio employees who were involved in making that advertisement & assumed porn film and / or porn scene; but that was just my assumption.

It was not clear if there really was any real bestiality or not, or if they were just joking / implying it & had faked it.

I assumed that the police investigation would uncover the truth.

Either way, I was confused on why anyone thought that was a good idea to even imply or joke or fake something illegal & disgusting like that.

I hoped that everyone involved was getting the same treatment, instead of them just arresting Andi James as a scapegoat, even though clearly others were involved.

That is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 3

This dream involved an artist teaming up with some scientists to combine art & science into an art exhibit.

Together they built some art to display at the exhibit, which were various structures / sculptures, and they even built a fake small town.

I went to their art exhibit, during this some wind or something else damaged some of the fake buildings, fortunately no one was hurt when some of the buildings collapsed.

I remember some of the sculptures being these cool shinny dark blue / black obelisk-like structures that featured some kind of cool science / technology that you could interact with.

One art piece that I remember had one of these obelisk-like structures with an aquarium under it with some small blue humanoid creatures swimming inside of it.

The creatures looked somewhat like underwater versions of the Na’vi aliens from the movie Avatar, I was not sure if they were holograms, or if they were androids or real lifeforms that the artist & scientists had created.

Some of the art had strong fans that blew air hard enough that it helped me to levitate higher & fly higher during the dream.

Somehow, before this, I realized that I could levitate & fly in the dream, and I remember one or more women seeing me do this near the art.

I probably started telling the woman or women how I could levitate & fly, I can not remember if I realized that I was dreaming, I possibly partly did, if so, this dream became at least a partly lucid dream.

During this, I woke up, I thought that I woke up in the real world, but it was actually a false awakening dream that I woke up into; so I was still dreaming in another dream (a dream within a dream) without realizing it.

In this false awakening dream, I was telling the adult version of the Harry Potter character Luna Lovegood or the actress Evanna Lynch who played that character, about the dream that I just woke up from.

I told Luna / Evanna how in that dream I was able to levitate & fly higher thanks to the fans & how I had explained the details to some dream characters.

While explaining everything about that dream to Luna / Evanna, I started being able to levitate & fly, not as high as the other dream because there were no fans, but I was still able to levitate & fly.

Because I assumed that I was awake, I thought that I had finally figured out how to bring one of my dream powers into the real world.

I got so excited that I tried to land from above the top of a multi-story building to the ground too early without slowing down enough, I landed hard, and I almost hurt my ankles; fortunately I did not hurt myself, but I almost did.

I joked to Luna / Evanna that I needed to be careful because this was the real world with real gravity et cetera, and that I could really hurt myself if I was not careful; so I would need to try to levitate & fly & land more carefully in the real world.

Then I woke up, this time for real, in the real world.

Dream 4

In this dream, I finally went to work at the library after missing all but one work day last week because I am sick.

When I walked to the OPAC computers in the middle of the building, I was approached by my female coworker JB, who I greeted, and she kindly offered to go get me my check from last week from my mailbox.

I thanked JB for her kind offer, and I let her know that my brother GC had already picked it up for me; and I let her know that it was good to see her again.

It was very nice to know that JB cared and offered to help me as soon as I got there.

Some of my other coworkers were there like my female coworker TR, her daughter JR was there too, and TR told me that a female patron that I once helped wanted my help with something.

I told TR that I would help the female patron once I finished whatever I was doing, I forgot, once I remembered, I went to find the female patron, but she was gone.

So I walked around trying to find TR & JR, I walked outside, oddly it looked like my parent’s house & yard outside, and I walked out on the front porch.

I saw a small red car reversing to park by the front porch steps, it was TR & JR, so I asked them where the female patron was.

While doing this, I was approached by several more female patrons holding various electronics, like iPhones & iPads et cetera, and they all wanted my help as well.

I felt a little overwhelmed because I had just gotten to work & I already had this many patrons wanting extended help things that would probably go beyond my normal allowed work duties.

I do like helping patrons in the computer lab et cetera, so I greeted them, and I started trying to see what each of them wanted one-at-a-time.

Furthermore, I woke up during this.

The end,

  • John Jr

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