
A Mystery? | Bed On The Floor & Bed Frame Testing?

Dream 1

I remembered at least two of my dreams, unfortunately, I went back to sleep each time without recording them.

So now I can only remember what I think was part of one of the dreams, but I could be wrong.

This dream possibly involved a woman and I working on something.

It was possibly an investigation or mystery of some kind, but I can not remember.


Forgotten Dreams & A Sheriff Deputy & Sheep

I woke up suddenly during the night like something woke me up, which caused me to forget my dreams.

I went back to sleep, I had one or more dreams, but once again I got awakened suddenly.

This time I was awakened by the doorbell that kept ringing, no one answered the door, and I did not get out of bed.


Forgotten Outdoor Dreams & An Alarm & A Phone Call

I failed to record any of my dreams, and got awakened by my alarm on my mobile phone & by a phone call.

So I can not remember any of my dreams except for maybe some vague details.

I know that I had some dreams, one or more dreams took place during the day.

I possibly remember a zoo or a zoo-like place, and / or I just remember being outside.

There were plants and probably some sidewalks and / or roads.

I interacted with one or more people at some point, probably a man with light-color skin.


A Forgotten The Fall Of The House Of Usher Inspired Dream

All that I can remember of this dream is that it was a dream that was inspired by the TV show The Fall Of The House Of Usher:

The Fall of the House of Usher | Official Trailer | Netflix

I can not remember if the actual Usher family was in the dream or not, or if this dream involved an Usher-like family.