
Work Training / Competition | Dorm Sekso

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that it involved training / a competition / work.

This was possibly all connected to work, I could be wrong though, but I do know that part of the dream took place at maybe a slightly fictional version of The BP Library.


Moment? | My Coworker JB | Esperanto | The B Van

I got awakened by my alarms twice with clear dreams on my mind but I went back to sleep each time without recording them, and I did the same after this so now most of my dreams are forgotten except for a few dream fragments.

Dream 1

This dream possibly involved Moment (Lost Truth) but I could be wrong, and that is all that I can remember of this possible dream.


An Illegal Deal & Moment?

I had more dreams and there were more details to these dreams, but I forgot them after waking up and going back to sleep without recording them and because I woke up needing to use the bathroom real bad and my dreams faded as I was doing that and as I was voice recording my dreams.

Dream 1

This dream was probably inspired by a video that I watched before going to sleep.