
My Parents Own A Museum? | A Cinco De Mayo-Like Celebration Downtown?

Dream 1

In this dream, my parents and I possibly bought or got an old museum-like building.

I am not sure if part of it was going to be our house or not.

I do know that this was going to allow us to preserve some history, and my parents could make some money / have jobs into old age.


House Cleaning | Distracting Skinheads

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that at some point I was somewhere, and my female coworker MR was there too.

Later in the dream during late afternoon or early evening, I went to a slightly fictional version of The E House to help clean it up.

There was a lot of furniture and stuff still inside.


How Parents Can’t Function In Today’s World

What Is It?

The YouTube video How Parents Can’t Function In Today’s World by the YouTube channel Tra Rags:

How parents can’t function in today’s world


Proverbs 3:6

In all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


Signing Up For A Boxing Tournament

At some point in the dream during the day, I possibly saw my female coworker MR somewhere, maybe a park, but I can not remember if we talked or not.

I also saw & possibly met & talked with my deceased grandfather CE, who was possibly a young man again, he was a cool & smooth type of person in this dream.

He possibly told me some things, perhaps words of wisdom & gave me some life advice, but I can not remember.