
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime With Amy Klobuchar?

Dream 1

This dream took place during the day and it involved most of my family except for my brother CC and his family, I can not remember why, but we ended up walking across the field to the now abandoned Action Packed House.

We went inside the house, I can not remember why or what we did, I just remember wanting to leave as soon as possibly before someone saw us.

We entered the house from a fictional door on the left side of the house, and then I remember being the first to leave and walk back to my parents house.

Oddly, inside of my parents house was a door on the wall facing the field that was connected to the Action Packed House, which makes no sense because the house is across the field in real life and it was in the dream.

Somehow I did not notice how this did not make any sense, I only worried about someone using that door to enter our house, and so I started trying to adjust and close the door and block it with something.

The door was old and messed up with no door knob / door handle, I managed to close it as secure as I could, and then I used a large wooden board to cover some of it from our side while trying to put some heavy objects behind the wood to hold it in place.

My family returned while I was doing this and I explained the situation and they started to help, but that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 2

This dream was inspired by the anime television show That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, that I am watching with my brother GC, and a video that someone sent me called This Is The Question Amy Klobuchar Says She’d Ask Trump:

This is not clear but I think that the dream involved maybe me being a slime monster from the anime television show That Time That I Got Reincarnated As A Slime or I was just a head or something strange like that, and I had a special ability that was like the ability Predator that the character Rimuru Tempest has except weaker.

I could touch an object (living and non-living) and scan / analyse it, and fix or heal it too if I wanted to and if I had the resources to.

I remember using this ability to help people by scanning / analyzing them for health problems, and then healing them; and so people would come to me for diagnosing and healing health problems.

Either in this dream or another dream I ended up interacting with some politicians who were campaigning in The United States I assume (maybe The 2020 United States Presidential Election, but I am not sure), one of the politicians was The United States senator Amy Klobuchar, and the other was a male politician but I can not remember who he was.

I am not sure if they had asked me for help or not at first, I just remember wanting to scan / analyze them to test their truthfulness et cetera, but I am not sure if I got to do this or not; I just know that I remember thinking that some of them were probably afraid of what I might find if I used my ability to scan / analyze them.

I am not sure if this ability would also allow me to access some of their memories or not, I just know that some of them wanted me to use my ability to scan / analyze them for health problems so that I could heal them if there were any health problems, and maybe some of them wanted me to improve them and / or make adjustments to them if that was possible.

Senator Klobuchar was probably one of the politicians who wanted me to check them for health problems et cetera, so I talked with her, and I probably went to use my ability on her.

We were at an indoor / outdoor area with marble pillars like a government building, and so I assume we were at The United States Capitol.

But I that is all that I can remember of this dream.

Dream 3

After work today I watched an episode of the television show The Punisher (Season 2) and then I took a nap, and I had one or more dreams and I woke up remembering part of a dream that was fading quickly but I did not record it.

The dream was possibly partly inspired by The Punisher (Season 2), but I can not remember.

There was something going on that I can not remember now, but I decided to type this anyway even though that is all that I can remember now.

The end,

-John Jr


An Alien & Predator Amusement Park?

Alien vs. Predator poster


Alien vs. Predator (film)

Portion used	
The entire movie poster used to promote the film

Low resolution?	

Purpose of use	
For an article about a film, the original poster is arguably the most important image that could be included. It shows the film the article is discussing.

Source: Wikipedia

All that I can remember of this dream is that it took place inside an indoor / outdoor Alien franchise and Predator franchise themed amusement park-like area that was possibly connected to The BP Library because some of my coworkers were working there in an entrance area with some beds and some bathrooms and one or more of our library computers were there.

I was in the entrance area that had some bunk beds against the wall on the left, the wall was possibly made of a light-color fake maybe cave-like stone that was carved so that you could climb on top of it and at the bottom was an entrance to a tunnel, to the right were several small bathrooms, in the bed and bathroom area were one or more library computers, and past this area was maybe where the other non-tunnel part of the amusement park-like area began.


May 31, 2015 | Dream Journal

Image Credit: Wikipedia Image Credit: Wikipedia

Dream 1

I am not sure if this is one dream or two dreams but I will separate them as two different dreams, the first dream seemed to be my mind making its own version of the film Predator (1987) but I am not sure if I was in the dream or not, and I remember some soldiers and/or mercenaries and some people (including a woman and/or kid) walking through the wilderness or jungle during the day.

As they were passing through a one-story house or structure they were attacked by an alien but I can not remember what it looked like, it killed several of them, but some of them made it outside the building; and there were attempts made to kill the alien, but everyone who went inside the building would get killed by it.

At some point there was a stalemate as only a few people were left alive, the alien possibly gave birth to another alien because there was no a smaller probably baby alien, and the woman or kid decided to test an idea that they had to kill the aliens; and the woman or kid entered the building alone even though the others told this person not to, and this person used something that I can not remember to kill the baby alien.