
Adding Names To An Email List From Terminal Using Vi?

All that I can remember of this dream is that it took place at The BP Library, there was a fictional bald man with light color skin who either used to work at the library or who still worked at the library was there, and I was working at IT Assistant job still and I was still new.

I remember being on a desktop computer using a Linux distribution, maybe CentOS, and some names needed to be added to a list (maybe an email list), and we had to use a text editor to add the names.

It was recommended that we use a terminal and run a text editor in it, and so that is probably what we started doing and maybe we used Vi as the text editor.

But that is all that I can remember of this dream.

The end,

-John Jr


Helping People With Portable Storage Devices

This dream took place during the day, some of it possibly involved me driving around a fictional LC-like city, and the rest of the dream took place at a fictional MS University-like college campus with some familiar areas from some past dreams combined with real life areas from MS University.

I was possibly a student but I can not remember, I do know that I was working at a library (maybe The BP Library and / or the college library) that was possibly on or near the college campus, and at the library I remember mostly helping patrons with portable storage devices like USB flash drives.

I remember helping patrons with connecting their devices to the computer, accessing the files from the computer, copy and pasting and cutting and deleting files to and from their devices, formatting their devices, and more; basically I was working my new IT Assistant job at the library.

After work I remember walking around the college campus trying to do various things so that I could attend a parade and / or some kind of other event that was going to take place at or start at a main road at the college campus that has been in some of my past dreams, this road is partly based on the road at MS University that passes the library and Housing and several other buildings, and it is on the far right side of this fictional college campus.

At some point I remember walking inside a building past a small on-campus store when I saw an obese boy with light-color skin with short yellow hair who needed help with something, and so I stopped to help him even though I did not work at this store.

There was a man nearby who approached me at some point talking about some kind of old maybe Native American headwear / headdress that belonged to some of his ancestors, he told me about it and maybe about some of the history and why it was important, and he talked about some of his ancestors and maybe how they might feel about some of their descendants and the world now.

I am not sure if he tried to shame me or not but I do remember him trying to get my attention and trying to stress the importance of something involving my ancestors and not forgetting them and learning who they were and what they believed et cetera, maybe he said that we both shared some of the same ancestors (in this case Native American I assume), but I can not remember what he said or was trying to say or what happened exactly other than me seeing this object and listening to him talk and talking back a bit.

At some point I started to leave still trying to hurry so that I could catch the parade / event / whatever, but I woke up.

The end,

-John Jr


Friday In IT

I did not get enough sleep and I did not record any of my dreams or really think about them all day and today is my longest work day of the week, and so now I can only barely remember part of one dream.

My dream involved me working at The BP Library at my new IT Assistant job, in the dream it was probably Friday, and so this dream was basically my mind dreaming about what today was possibly going to be like with my new schedule and job.

In the dream I was alone in the IT Department at first, I probably checked on things before working an hour in the Tech Services Department, and then I returned to the IT Department.

Things were probably too quiet and maybe a bit lonely on this long day until my coworker Mr. JM showed up, and he started talking to me about computers and the internet and other technologies.

But that is all that I can remember of this dream.

The end,

-John Jr


Thinking About My New IT Job

I forgot most of my dreams, I do remember having several short dreams when I kept waking up and going back to sleep to check the time, and those dreams involve me thinking about my new job IT Assistant job that I was to start today at The BP Library where I already work.

I probably did more than just think about the new job, I possibly went to work in one or more of the dreams, but I can not remember.

I had more dreams that I remembered that did not involve work, but I can not remember them now.

The end,

-John Jr