
VAN TOUR | DIY Luxury Stealth Camper Van Build After 4 Years Of Full Time VANLIFE (Unique Layout)

What Is It?

The YouTube video VAN TOUR | DIY Luxury Stealth Camper Van Build After 4 Years Of Full Time VANLIFE (Unique Layout) by the YouTube channel Scarlet & Seth:

VAN TOUR | DIY Luxury Stealth Camper Van Build After 4 Years Of Full Time VANLIFE (Unique Layout)


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We are so excited to show you this van, as the design and functionality are the culmination of the past 3 years of building vans and the past 4 years of living in a van full-time!

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Taking Folding Chairs Back To Family Dollar

I got in bed earlier than usual, a storm & having to use the bathroom several times & a few phone calls & several other things led to me having several dreams, but I did not record them.

So I forgot all of my dreams except for barely part of my last dream.

I remember being inside and outside my parent’s yard.

There was a fictional van that my parent’s had in the yard on the side where the dogs should be.

At some point, I noticed some metal folding chairs on that side of the yard that had the Family Dollar logo & name on some of them, so I let my mom know.


A Shadetree Mechanic & JB Takes My Towel

This dream took place during the day, and part of this dream involved my dad’s truck being worked on in my parent’s yard by a tall thin somewhat dirty man with light-color skin with somewhat long dark blonde hair.

The man was allegedly an auto mechanic, but he was probably a shadetree mechanic.


JE Wants A Ride & A Mafia Hostage Situation | A Witch Coven Revenge Hostage Situation

Dream 1

It is night, 1 AM, my brother GC and I are trying to return home to a fictional version of my parent’s house.

GC stops outside a church in the yard, possibly near a tiny graveyard, and I walk over there too.