
Billie Eilish At A Super Kmart

I had more dreams that I did not record, and there was more to this dream that I can not remember; so now I only remember part of one dream.

All that I can remember of this dream is that I was out of town shopping with most of my family, including a fictional adult sister, I assume we were on vacation or something like that.

At some point, we were shopping at a store that I thought was a Dollar Tree, until I saw that they also sold fishing poles.


A South African Courtroom / Classroom?

All that I can remember of this dream is that it took place during the day, and somehow I knew or felt that this dream took place in South Africa.

I seemed to be in a small room that was possibly a courtroom that looked more like a classroom, and I was near the left front side of the room where the only window was which had no screen & could open & was just large enough for a person to climb through.

There were other people in the room including my former male classmate DH who had a fictional young daughter with him, at the front of the room was a man with light-color skin wearing maybe khaki pants & a tucked in tennis shirt who I assumed to be the judge, and there was a man with medium or dark-color skin who I assumed to be on trial; and there were other random people sitting around watching.


Work Training / Competition | Dorm Sekso

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that it involved training / a competition / work.

This was possibly all connected to work, I could be wrong though, but I do know that part of the dream took place at maybe a slightly fictional version of The BP Library.


A Hooded Man Named John

All that I can remember of the end of this dream is that I was standing outside in what looked like a fictional version of the field in front of The PH Trade Days area, and I was holding an acoustic guitar.

I was about to walk back to a fictional apartment across the street where I assume I lived when I noticed what looked like a hooded figure standing behind an electrical pole near the road to my left, and I looked in that direction and there was a man wearing a hoodie with the hood on who had dark-color skin but I could not see his face.