
Work Training / Competition | Dorm Sekso

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that it involved training / a competition / work.

This was possibly all connected to work, I could be wrong though, but I do know that part of the dream took place at maybe a slightly fictional version of The BP Library.


Airsoft Shootouts & Nathan Fisher Interviews Meghan Markle?

Dream 1

During this dream the COVID-19 pandemic was probably still going on, and I remember that a certain business / company had made a commercial encouraging people to stay home; and they did this at the beginning of the pandemic before most others did.

This eventually led to other businesses making various commercials with different messages during the pandemic, but that is all that I can remember of this dream.


Thug Robs Superhero – Employee Evaluation

Today, Nathan Fisher (Nate) uploaded 5 of his old videos on his NateFlicks YouTube channel.

The video that made me laugh the most (though I am not a fan of the cursing et cetera) was called Thug Robs Superhero – Employee Evaluation:

Thug Robs Superhero – Employee Evaluation

Nathan Fisher At A College Apartment

Dream 1

All that I can remember of this dream is that it took place during the day at a fictional college where I was a student.

Part of the dream involved during and after classes, and there was a part of the dream where I was watching short videos that Nathan (Nate) Fisher uploaded online.

These short videos showed Nate doing normal things in his every day life.

One of these short videos was of him talking while driving to park outside the apartment where he lived.