
Solo Leveling & France

Dream 1

This dream was inspired by me watching six episodes of the Japanese anime TV show Solo Leveling (Season 1) before I went to sleep.

Solo Leveling | DUB TRAILER

This dream took place in a Solo Leveling-like dream world.

Except, my workplace set the level ups / leveling for everyone (all employees) as a group.

So instead of setting level ups / levels for each person individually, we all were assigned the same level ups / levels as a single group.


Vomiting | Miranda Lawson & A Motorcycle Wreck | A Work Trip & KE

Dream 1

I had this dream shortly after going to sleep, in the dream I was at work at The BP Library in a fictional version of The IT Department wearing my cloth face mask like in real life, and then I noticed a female patron with medium-color skin in the hallway who seemed to need help.

I walked into the hallway to see if she needed help, she seemed lost, I asked her if she needed help, and she stopped like something was wrong like she was starting to feel sick; and while this was happening several children with medium-to-dark color skin joined her.


JE’s Prayer Desk | ATVs & Movie & Buffet & Ambush & Giant Bear Attack

Dream 1

This dream involved my dad and I going to my aunt JE’s house to bring her something and / or to move something for her at her house, when we got to the house there was a man working on something inside, and a woman talking with my aunt JE.

We did whatever we came there to do for JE but she wanted us to do more things, and after we did those things she wanted us to do more like she wanted us to get her a prayer desk or something like that.


Alexis? | Strange Coins | Commander Nolan Grey | Aunt RE | It’sAGundam & A Casino

Dream 1

This dream took place during the day in the city of D, and I was walking home.

As I was walking past the fairgrounds an overweight woman with dark-color skin with black hair approached me, and she greeted me.