
A Strange Hospital During The COVID-19 Pandemic

All that I can remember of this dream is that it took place during the on-going Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at a fictional hospital, but I can not remember if I was in the dream or not.

Throughout the dream there were normal professional things going on at the hospital, but the focus of the dream was mostly on unprofessional and strange things that were happening at the hospital.


A Language Retainer?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

One of my dreams involved a pig in some way or form, but I am not sure which dream and I can not remember any other details.

I had a variety of dreams but I can only remember barely part of 4 dreams, I did not record my dream or dreams that I had when I first woke up because I did not feel like taking out my anti-snoring device (I was being lazy), and so that dream or dreams are forgotten now.

Dream 1

This dream possibly involved a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting event or unofficial fighting event, and maybe I was one of the fighters but I am not sure; and that is all that I can remember.

Dream 2

This dream took place inside what seemed to be The E House and I was there with some children who were some of my cousins who were kids again oddly and maybe a few fictional cousins or some fictional friends of my cousins, and we spent most of the time in the bedroom by the family room and dinning room.

At some point my former uncle DE showed up, his daughter DE was one of my cousins who was there already, and he looked at me oddly like he thought that it was weird that I was alone with kids in a bedroom (the door was open).

It was slightly weird to me even though most of them were my cousins, I was only with them because I did not think that they should be alone, and so I waited for another adult to arrive so that they could babysit them because they were alone when I showed up.

I greeted my uncle DE and I said goodbye and I walked away, but he stopped me because he saw some orange oil-like stuff on the metal plate at the bottom of the door.

It looked like Africa’s Best Ultimate Herbal Oil oddly, I cleaned it, and then I said goodbye again but I woke up.

Dream 3

This dream involved a family (husband, wife, and four kids with maybe two boys and two girls or three boys and one girl) who were possibly in or from Thailand or the Philippines or somewhere, and they lived in on an upper floor of a structure that was like a small house one a roof.

The husband was possibly working for a mafia or gang or something to earn money for his family but I could be wrong, he did not want to, and he did not tell his family about this.

He returned home after a day of work as the kids were talking about him and asking their mother what kind of job does their father do, the mother replied that she does not know or want to know, but that he possibly worked for the mafia.

One of the sons was standing outside in the doorway and he asked his father this question as he walked in, the father did not answer, and the son saw the look on his face and assumed that it was true that his father worked for the mafia and then the son stood there in silence looking shocked.

I woke up shortly after this.

Dream 4

This dream took place during the day, I went to a fictional medical clinic that was in a small building on the top of a structure during a forgotten part of the dream, and at the end of the dream I returned there to officially sign-up at the clinic and schedule my next doctor’s appointment.

I was the only patient there and there were two nurses behind the desk, one with light-color skin and one with dark-color skin, and I told them why I was there and they had me start filling out some paperwork.

They then handed me several pages that were stapled together and they said that I had to pick a language retainer and sign the forms, and they said that I should read the pages which explains what this is et cetera.

I had no idea what a language retainer was, I told them that I had been there recently and now I wanted to sign-up and schedule an appointment and I had no idea what that was, they told me that I still had to do this and that everything was explained on the pages so I needed to read it and only then would they answer any questions that I had.

I sat down to read the pages, but I woke up.

The end,

-John Jr


Taking A Family Member To A Store / Clinic

Source: Wikimedia Commons

I got in bed too late so I did not get enough sleep and I only voice recorded part of the end of my last dream which is an unclear and confusing dream with a changing dream character, and so all of my other dreams are forgotten now except for the end of this dream.

All that I can remember of the end of this dream is that it took place during the day in the city of D, my mom was taking care of a fictional old family member who was sick, and this fictional old family member’s condition got worse to where they were unconscious / sleep and would not wake up so my mom had me take this fictional old family member to a fictional low-cost clinic (urgent care walk-in clinic I assume) that was inside a fictional store in the shopping center by W Park near where maybe the Goodwill should be.

My male cousin DE was with us and we had the fictional old family member in a hospital-like bed / stretcher with wheels so you could push the bed, like the bed my grandfather CE used to have near the end of his life, and I drove us to the store / clinic.

I remember parking in the parking lot and we pushed the bed as we rushed to the store / clinic because we were not sure how much time our fictional old family member had left to live or what was wrong with them, getting through the doors was a struggle, and so I had to open both doors and we had to tilt and lift the bed to get it through as some customers stared at us like something was wrong with us.

I remember yelling for some help and letting the employees know that we had an emergency, the employees looked and acted very unprofessional and unsympathetic / unempathetic and lazy and like they did not care about their jobs or customers, and one or two of them maybe put on a vest or some equipment switching from their job in the store to their job in the clinic.

A female employee who acted like she did not care at all led us to the middle of the store which was an open area that was used as the clinic, and she asked me some questions about the fictional old family member as part of the sign-in process et cetera.

I did not have much information at all and my mom was the one who knew some things about their symptoms, and so I was not able to answer some of the questions and I asked her to please run some tests and check their vitals et cetera; but she just wanted to ask questions instead of actually doing something.

I remember trying to answer the questions the best that I could while constantly asking them to please do something, I remember another female employee watching us who looked somewhat like my coworker Mrs. ML, and maybe eventually I got them to get a nurse or doctor or another employee who slightly glanced at our fictional old family member.

This fictional old family member was possibly a man at first but I can not remember, then at the clinic they probably changed into a woman, and at first they were possibly just a distant cousin or some kind of other distant relative but later they changed into maybe a grandfather and then a grandmother without me noticing these possible changes.

I remember my cousin DE and me continuing to struggle to try to get the employees to run some tests or something, and then I remember something strange that was almost like a dream within a dream or something where I was there but I was somehow seeing something that was like a monologue in a movie or maybe I was seeing inside the mind of our old family member who was still unconscious but I have no idea what this was or what was going on exactly.

I just remember seeing a woman who I thought had light-color skin that I thought was whitish-color skin at first with short-to-medium curly maybe brown hair, her hairstyle and clothing and the colors in this scene looked like something from an older time period like maybe the 1920s – 1960s but who knows, and so it was like seeing something in the past or seeing someone who is imaging / dreaming of themselves in the past like this part of the dream was from someone else’s mind or memory (almost like ancestral memory or another dreamer or something).

The woman was sitting on or next to a bed alone in a room and maybe she stood up and walked around sometimes during her monologue, and she gave this long angry negative bitter hate-filled monologue where she was talking down on people in the past who used to be slaves and their descendants who did not resist being enslaved or who stopped resisting and who started trying to adapt and survive to their new lives as slaves and post-old style slavery.

She felt that these ancestors and descendants were a disgrace, she said many negative things about them, and why she felt the way that she did and what she thought that they should have done and what they should be doing now.

She felt that those ancestors should have never stopped resisting being slaves and that their descendants should still be resisting the descendants of the slave masters et cetera and resisting the various cultural and societal et cetera systems that still negatively impact them today.

She was so bitter and angry and hate-filled and passionate about this, it was like if someone’s dead ancestor was somehow able to see their living descendants from another dimension or plane of existence (like since their death they have been in a place that allowed them to still see the living world over the years since their death), and then be disappointed in them and in some of their other ancestors.

I remember her specifically saying that maybe the ancestors of the family or some of the families who started the Nestlé company possibly used to own slaves, and she felt that the current descendants of slaves should still be resisting that family or those families even now.

At first it seemed like an all-out attack on slaves and former slaves and their descendants, like someone from the outside, but then it started to seem that maybe she was actually possibly a descendant of slaves too and she was just extra harsh and bitter on them and about this and about how things went down back then and how they are still going today.

It seemed that she possibly hated most of her family and was probably a very negative person so her family probably avoided her too and she probably avoided them because she probably looked down on most of them in disappointment because she expected better from them, and so she probably died alone or was dying alone.

She was a stubborn strong independent bitter angry mean person it seemed, but eventually I started to feel that deep down she really cared about her family and ancestors and descendants and was just very disappointed and bitter and angry et cetera.

Near the end of this monologue it started to seem that maybe her skin color was actually a very light-brown, her overall skin color was light and could seem whitish, but it was possibly a bit darker than it seemed but it was hard to tell because of the old style colors and the distance that she was at as she gave her monologue like a bitter dead person or dying person trapped in another plane of existence or as a memory passed on to a descendant or something.

I got the impression that the woman had married into a wealthier family than her own with whitish-color skin, I got the impression that her skin color and appearance made this possible because she did not look how most people would expect a descendant of those slaves she had talked about to look, and this raised her to a higher social standing but she was still bitter and not happy about the state of things and her ancestors and descendants.

After that dream scene or whatever it was ended my attention was returned back to the store / clinic, maybe we got the employees to finally do something or almost do something, and I remember maybe the employee who somewhat reminded me of my coworker Mrs. ML commenting about the dream scene or whatever that I just saw where she said something like: “No wonder most of her family avoid her, she was a terrible person, and she was probably treated them terribly.” or something like that.

Then the employees left to either get the results or they wanting to just wait and observe our old family member or they just left us hanging, I just remember my cousin DE and me sitting and waiting with our unconscious old family member, who eventually possibly changed to one or both of my dead grandparent’s (my grandfather CE and my grandmother DE) or fictional version of them or I just started to sense or see this old family member as one or more of them at various points.

At the end I saw this old family member in a positive way and I was worried about their condition because, and I probably saw them as my dead grandmother DE or a fictional version of her at the end without any of the negative stuff from the possible previous version of this dream character.

But that is all that I can remember of this confusing dream.

The end,

-John Jr


Westworld & Health Care (Healthcare)

This dream from last night was partly inspired by the HBO television series Westworld, which I watched an episode of last night.

I can not remember most of this dream, especially the parts of the dream that were like the television series Westworld, but I think that the dream had some parts of it that were in the western themed Amusement Park from Westworld or one like it and some parts looked modern.